License & Permits
Business Resources
If you make deliveries, perform services, have salespeople calling on local merchants, or have a store or office located in the City of Foley or its police jurisdiction, you need a City of Foley business license. Requirements and fees vary depending upon the type of business. The City of Foley's website provides links to a (1) Business License Pre-Approval form, (2) Business License Application and Fee Schedule, (3) Home-based Business Application, and (4) information for businesses that will be serving liquor, beer and/or wine; visit the following link:
- Towns in Foley's surrounding area:
Businesses located within Baldwin County can download a printable Business License Application/Amendment. Certain businesses dealing with food and beverages must obtain a Health Department Inspection Certificate:
Most small businesses need a combination of licenses and permits from both federal and state agencies:
- Information about applying for licenses and permits >
- What new business owners need to know about federal taxes>
Better Business Bureau® – Alabama Small Business Resources and License Resource Guide
IRS Tax Information For Businesses
Alabama Department of Revenue 'quick links' for Businesses - links that have been curated specifically for businesses looking for information on filing taxes, obtaining licenses, registering a business, and other services provided by the Department of Revenue.
Business Essentials for State of Alabama Taxpayers (B.E.S.T.)
Tax information is available on the Baldwin County website. Businesses must obtain a Baldwin County Tax Account before tax remittance can be accepted. Each city or town also has a Sales Tax. Be sure to check with each when you apply for your Business License in that municipality. State tax forms are obtained through the Alabama Department of Revenue (334-242-1490). Electronic Registration system and filing for State and County are available at the Alabama Department of Revenue website.
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