
  • Member To Member Deals

    Save on stays, golf & food or drink!

    Chamber Members SAVE 15%

    50% OFF MERCH

    50% off all merch from our Eco Clean Marine store

    SAVE 50% on all merch @ Eco Clean Marine

    Add Value to your home and save your foundation and flower beds!

    Quality Cigars

    Upgrade Your Credit Card Terminal

    Free credit card terminal for qualified merchants

    Free credit card terminal

    10% OFF TOTAL

    Get a discount on your breakfast–brunch–lunch!

    10% off your total bill

    Exterior cleaning

    10% Tuition Discount

    CSU partners with SBCC giving members and their families a 10% tuition discount!

    10% Discounts on Grad & Undergrad Tuition Rates!

    25% off all exterior cleaning

    25% off all exterior cleaning

    25% Discount!

    10% off discount

  • New Members, Welcome!

  • Chamber Events

  • Community Events

